
I go by the hacker name `c0d3cr4f73r`. I am a cybersecurity professional specializing in offensive security operations. My journey in cybersecurity began with childhood curiosity, coding, and diving into CTF (Capture The Flag) games and reverse engineering challenges. This passion continued into my university years, where I studied for my BSc in Computer Science and participated in local and online CTF competitions alongside like-minded friends.

After university, I started my professional career as a Red Team Operator at the Sri Lankan Defence Ministry in 2016, where I honed my skills further. Following that role, I joined AIX Investment Group in Burj Khalifa, Dubai, where I continued to enrich my experience in offensive security operations.

Currently, I serve as a Senior Red Team Operator for the Dubai Government, playing a vital role in assessing and fortifying the cybersecurity defenses of our systems. Alongside my professional roles, I've pursued continuous growth, acquiring certifications such as eJPT,CEH,OSCP,CRTP,CRTE,CRTO,eCPPT,eCPTX,eWAPTX,eCRE

Beyond my professional endeavors, I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and expertise with the cybersecurity community through blog posts, workshops, and speaking engagements, aiming to empower aspiring cybersecurity professionals and contribute to the field's advancement.


    • Currently serving as a Senior Red Team Operator for the Dubai Government, assessing and fortifying cybersecurity defenses.
    • Actively engaged in sharing knowledge and expertise with the cybersecurity community through blog posts, workshops, and speaking engagements.
  • 2016 TO 2019
    • Started professional career as a Red Team Operator at the Sri Lankan Defence Ministry.
    • Continued to enrich experience in offensive security operations at AIX Investment Group in Burj Khalifa, Dubai.
    • Explored coding and cybersecurity through CTF games and reverse engineering challenges.
    • Pursued a BSc in Computer Science and participated in local and online CTF competitions.


Shoot me an email if you need a red team mastermind to turn your adversaries’ world upside down! Let’s plan some epic cyber showdowns!